Bronze coin of Silandos under Crispina (forgery), r. 180 - 183 CE
Coin of the Province of Crete under Antoninus Pius, r. 138 - 161 CE
Antoninus Pius
Coin of Knossos under Augustus, with Gaius and Lucius, r. 27 BCE - 14 CE
Coin of Hierapolis-Bambyce under Severus Alexander, r. 222 - 235 CE
Severus Alexander
Coin of Bertyus under Gordian III Africanus, r. 238 - 244 CE
Gordian III
Coin of Carthage, made at Carthage or an Italian mint
Coin of Antioch under Philip I and II, r. 244-249 CE
Philip I and II
Coin of Antiochos IV Epiphanes of Syria, Antioch, r. 175-164 BCE
Antiochos IV Epiphanes
Coin of Caesarea Mazaca under Severus Alexander, r. 222 - 235 CE
Severus Alexander
Coin of Antioch on the Orontes under Philip II, r. 247 - 249 CE
Philip II
Coin of Laodikeia ad Mare under Domitian, r. 81 - 96 CE
Coin of Laodikeia ad Mare under Trajan, r. 98-117 CE
Coin of Laodikeia ad Mare under Trajan, r. 98-117 CE
Coin of Laodikeia ad Mare under Commodus, r. 177-192
Coin of Laodikeia ad Mare under Macrinus, r. 217 - 218 CE
Coin from an uncertain mint in Lucani (Orsantini?)
Coin of Corcyra issued by Sosigenes, Roman Magistrate
Coin of Aphrodisias, Time of Hadrian-Septimius Severus, r. 193 - 211 CE
Septimius Severus
Coin of Aelia Capitolina (Jersusalem) under Elagabalus, r. 218 - 222 CE
Coin of Resaina under the Romans (Caracalla - Geta), r. 209 - 212 CE