Coin of Berytus under Marcus Aurelius?, r. 161 - 180 CE
Marcus Aurelius
Coin of Alexandria under Antoninus Pius, r. 138 - 161 CE
Antoninus Pius
Coin of Octavian, Uncertain Mint (Italy), r. 27 BCE - 14 CE
Coin of Caesarea Cappadociae under Trajan, r. 98-117 CE
Coin of Nisibis under Otacilia Severa, r. 244 - 249 CE
Otacilia Severa
Coin of Octavian, Uncertain Mint, Italy(?), r. 27 BCE - 14 CE
Coin of Antiochos VI Dionysos of Syria, r. 145-142/1 BCE - or 139/8?
Antiochos VI Dionysos
Coin of Paestum under Tiberius, Lucania, r. 14-37 CE
Coin of Octavian, Uncertain Mint, Italy, r. 27 BCE - 14 CE
Issued by Octavian
Coin of the Kaletudui Tribe of North Gaul
The Kaletudui
Coin of al-Awhad, Mayyafariqin (Silvan), r. 1200-1210
Coin of al-Awhad, Mayyafariqin (Silvan), r. 1200-1210
Coin of Shams al-Din Isma‘il
Shams al-Din Isma‘il
Coin of Alexander the Great, Macedonia mint, r. 336-323 BCE
Alexander III, the Great
Coin of Antioch under Philip the Arab, r. 244 - 249 CE
Philip I, the Arab
Coin of Caesarea under Gordian III, r. 238 - 244 CE
Gordian III
Coin of Antiochos VII (Sidetes), Antioch, r. 138-129 BCE
Antiochos VII Eurgetes
Coin of N. Africa, King of Numidia
Coin of Sinjar Shah, Al-Jazirah
Sinjar Shah
Coin of Octavian, Uncertain Mint, Italy, r. 27 BCE - 14 CE
Issued by Octavian