Votive Plaque with Seated Buddha Shakyamuni, Attendant Bodhisattvas, and Monks
Seated Buddha with Right Hand in Varada Mudra and Left Hand Holding a Covered Jar
Seated, Six-Armed Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Flanked by Seated Târâ Figures
coin of Maximinus from Ancialos, Thrace, r. 235 - 238 CE
Maximinus I Thrax
Coin of Tarsos under Gordian III, r. 238 - 244 CE
Gordian III
Coin of Constantine II as Caesar (brockage), r. 337-340
Constantine II
Bronze coin of Licinius I, Nicomedia, r. 308 - 324 CE
Licinius I
Bronze coin of Licinius I, Alexandria, r. 308 - 324 CE
Licinius I
Bronze coin of Licinius I, Siscia, r. 308 - 324 CE
Licinius I
Bronze coin of Licinius I, Aquileia, r. 308 - 324 CE
Licinius I
Bronze coin of Theodosius I, Aquileia, r. 379 - 395 CE
Theodosius I
Bronze coin of Licinius I, Alexandria, r. 308 - 324 CE
Licinius I
Consecration Coin of Constantine I, Antioch, r. 307 - 337 CE
Constantine I
AE Coin of Licinius I, Rome, r. 308 - 324 CE
Licinius I
Coin of Ptolemy V Epiphanes, Egypt, r. 204-181 BCE
Ptolemy V Epiphanes
Coin of Kos, island off Caria
Coin of Octavian, Uncertain Mint, Italy, r. 27 BCE - 14 CE
Issued by Octavian
Coin of Titus under Vespasian, Gadara, r. 69-79 CE
Struck under Vespasian
Coin of Ptolemy V Epiphanes, Alexandria, r. 204-181 BCE
Ptolemy V Epiphanes
Coin of Perge, Pamphylia under Gallienus, r. 254 - 268 CE