Coin of Philip II of Macedonia, r. 359-336 BCE
Philip II of Macedonia
Coin of Thespiai under Domitian
Roman Provincial
Coin of Nikopolis under Commodus, r. 177-192
Coin of Corinth under Tiberius, r. 14-37 CE
Coin of Antioch under Nero, r. 54 - 68 CE
Coin of Ptolemy III, Alexandria, r. 246-221 BCE
Ptolemy III Euergetes
Coin of Corinth under Tiberius, r. 14-37 CE
Coin of Antiocheia Caesarea under ?
Roman Provincial
Coin of Orodes I (?), Parthia
Kings of Parthia
Coin of the Chalkidian League, Olynthos
Chalkidian League
Coin of the Chalkidian League, Olynthos
Chalkidian League
Coin of the Chalkidian League, Olynthos
Chalkidian League
Coin of Antioch under Elagabalus, r. 218 - 222 CE
Coin of Il-Ghazi II, r. 572-580 H.
Il-Ghazi II
Coin of the Chalkidian League, Olynthos
Chalkidian League
Coin of Syracuse under the Romans
Coin of King Pharnaces of Pontus, r. c. 189-155 BCE
Pharnakes I
Coin of Antioch under Nero, r. 54 - 68 CE
Coin of Ephesus under Commodus, r. 177-192
Coin of Patras? under Augustus, r. 27 BCE - 14 CE
Issued under Augustus