Coin of Constantine VII, Cherson, r. 945 - 959
Constantine VII
Coin of Nikopolis under Geta, r. 209 - 212 CE
Coin of Romanos II, Cherson, r. 959 - 963
Romanos II
Coin (AE2) of Arcadius, Constantinople, r. 383 - 408 CE
Coin of Edward I, England, r. 1272 - 1307
Edward I
coin of Manuel I of Trebizond, r. 1237 - 1263
Manuel I of Trebizond
Coin of Sauromates I of Bosporus, r. 93 - 123 CE
Sauromates I
Coin of Sauromates I of Bosporus, r. 93 - 123 CE
Sauromates I
Coin of Kydonia under Trajan, r. 98-117 CE
Coin of Knossos under Tharsydikas
Coin of Patrai under Commodus, r. 177-192
Coin of Patrai under Tiberius, r. 14-37 CE
Coin of Patrai under Tiberius, r. 14-37 CE
Coin of Corinth under Caracalla, r. 188 - 217 CE
Coin of Corinth under Hadrian, r. 117-138 CE
Coin of Sauromates II of Bosporus, r. 172 - 211 CE
Sauromates II
Coin of Mithradates VI Eupator, r. 120-63 BCE
Mithradates VI Eupator
Coin of Rhoemetalces I of Bosporus, r. 11 BCE - 12 CE
Rhoemetalces I
Coin of Sauromates I of Bosporus, r. 93 - 123 CE
Sauromates I
Coin of Knossos under Tauriadas