Fruiting Branch in Circular Fan Shape -- Illustration from the Ten Bamboo Studio Manual of Calligraphy and Painting (Shizhuzhai shuhua pu), c. 1582 -1672
Hu Zhengyan 胡正言
Fruiting Branch in Circular Fan Shape -- Illustration from the Ten Bamboo Studio Manual of Calligraphy and Painting (Shizhuzhai shuhua pu), c. 1582 -1672
Hu Zhengyan 胡正言
Flowering Branches in Circular Fan Shape -- Illustration from the Ten Bamboo Studio Manual of Calligraphy and Painting (Shizhuzhai shuhua pu), c. 1582 -1672
Hu Zhengyan 胡正言
Bird Flying Amidst Plum Blossoms -- Illustration from the Ten Bamboo Studio Manual of Calligraphy and Painting (Shizhuzhai shuhua pu), c. 1582 -1672
Hu Zhengyan 胡正言
Fruit (Persimmon and Three Yellow Tangerines) -- Illustration from the Ten Bamboo Studio Manual of Calligraphy and Painting (Shizhuzhai shuhua pu), c. 1582 -1672
Hu Zhengyan 胡正言
Fruit (Three Buddha's Hand Citrons) -- Illustration from the Ten Bamboo Studio Manual of Calligraphy and Painting (Shizhuzhai shuhua pu), c. 1582 -1672
Hu Zhengyan 胡正言
Standing Page with Cup and Bottle, folio from a manuscript
Dish with Qur'anic Inscription
Manuscript of the Munsha’at (Letters) by Sharaf Munshi
Flyleaf with two small notes (notes recto, blank verso of folio 1), from a manuscript of the Munsha’at by Sharaf Munshi
Folio with ownership notes; text (notes recto, text verso of folio 3), from a manuscript of the Munsha’at by Sharaf Munshi
Text folio (text recto, text verso of folio 4), from a manuscript of the Munsha’at by Sharaf Munshi
Text folio (text recto, text verso of folio 31), from a manuscript of the Munsha’at by Sharaf Munshi
Text folio (text recto, text verso of folio 32), from a manuscript of the Munsha’at by Sharaf Munshi
Text folio (text recto, text verso of folio 34), from a manuscript of the Munsha’at by Sharaf Munshi
Verses from the Divan by Hafiz, folio from a manuscript, right-hand side of a bifolio
Civil War in Kyoto (Koshi heisen zu) in Two Volumes, 1805 - 1876
Maekawa Gorei
Story of Devadatta, from Chapter 12 of a Printed Lotus Sutra (Hokke-kyō); Kasuga Edition, from Kōfuku-ji, Nara
Civil War in Kyoto (Koshi heisen zu) Vol. 2, 1805 - 1876
Maekawa Gorei