Lotus Sutra (Hokke-kyō), Chapter 21: Section Describing the Transcendent Powers of the Tathagata
Sâkyamuni Preaching the Law, from the Greater Sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom (Daihannya-kyō) Vol. 400
Moon and Melon, 1626 - 1706
Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) 八大山人 (朱耷)
"The Bodhisattva of Wondrous Sound," Chapter 24 of the Lotus Sutra (Hokke-kyō) with Frontispiece, commissioned by Retired Emperor Gomizuno-o (1605-1680) in memory of the Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu, 1617 - 1691
Tosa Mitsuoki 土佐光起
Illustrated "Vajra-Sckhara-yoga-homa-kolpa" (J: Kongōchō-yuga-goma) sutra from Jingo-ji, Takao
Ten Thousand Bamboo in Mist and Rain, active 1400 - 1450
Jin Wenjin (Jin Jin) 金文璡 (金璡)
Horseman on a Piebald, 1254 - 1322
Traditionally attributed to Zhao Mengfu 趙孟頫
Colophon in Regular Script
Colophon in semi-cursive script
Title Frontispiece in Large Semi-Cursive Script (part 2): "Jing Guan"
Title Frontispiece in Large Semi-Cursive Script (part 2): "Wan Wu"
Amitârtha-sūtra (Murogi-kyō)
Commentary on the Sutra of Cause and Effect (Inga gyōkyō zu), 1419 - 1471
Attributed to Emperor Go-Hanazono
The Former Deeds of King Wondrous Splendor: Lotus Sutra (Hokke-kyō) Chapter 27, with Frontispiece commissioned by Retired Emperor Gomizunoo (1596-1680) in memory of the Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu, 1617 - 1691
Tosa Mitsuoki 土佐光起
Kuang-hung-ming-chi (Japanese: Kô-gumyô-shû) with Frontispiece