Nightmare of Zahhak (painting, recto; calligraphy, verso), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama of Firdawsi
Calligraphy by Shah Mahmud al-Nayshaburi
Verses by Hafiz (recto and verso), folio from an album
Calligraphy by Muhammad al-Abrishami al-Mashhadi
Didactic Verses by Sa'di, folio from an album
Calligraphy by Mir `Ali al-Katib al-Sultani
Bookbinding for a Qur'an
Ichikawa Danjūrō IX as Musashibō Benkei in The Subscription List (Kanjinchō), 1839 - 1892
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi 月岡芳年
Tethered Camel and Rider (drawing, recto; calligraphy, verso), folio from an album, 16th century
Drawing attributed to Mir Sayyid ‘Ali
Tales of Ise (Ise monogatari), died 1566
Konoe Tane'ie
"One-Finger Zen" of Monk Chü-chih, 1608 - 1646
Isshi Bunshu
Letter Written by Ashikaga Yoshimasa, 1435 - 1490
Ashikaga Yoshimasa
Book of Buddhist Chants (Shōmyō-shū), a Collection of Verses for Chanting Sabda-Vidya
Ishiyama-gire Page: Poems of Lady Ise, 1088 - 1156?
Traditionally attributed to Fujiwara Sadanobu
Quotation from Linji, 1718 - 1804
Jiun Onkō
Zen Saying, 1685 - 1768
Hakuin Ekaku 白隠慧鶴
Poem on a Winter Theme (Waka shikishi), 1565 - 1614
Attributed to Konoe Nobutada 近衛信尹
Tale of the Pagoda Made of Sand, Text Fragment from the Illustrated "Tales of Three Jewels" (Sambō-ekotoba) from Tōdai-ji, Nara, 1055 - 1129
Traditionally attributed to Minamoto no Toshiyori
The Poetry Contest of 1299 (Shōan gannen goshu uta awase), 1584 - 1639
Attributed to Shōkadō Shōjō
Model Calligraphy Text from the Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari), 1332 - 1403
Attributed to Prince Sondō
Greater Sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom (Daihannya-haramitta-kyō) Vol. 244
Model Calligraphy Text from the "Anthology of Chinese and Japanese Poems for Recitation" (Wakan rōeishū), 1332 - 1403
Attributed to Prince Sondō
Commentary on the Greater Sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom (Daichido-ron) Vol. 90 (Inside title: Makahannya-haramitsubon Vol. 78) from Ishiyama-dera in Shiga Prefecture