Untitled (little boy sitting on brick wall)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (woman and three boys on brick wall)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (three boys sitting on brick wall)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (bride posed in front of brick fireplace), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (group posed on steps of brick building), active 1930s
Hamblin Studio
Bowl with Vegetal Decoration in Center
Florentine Border depicting the Holy Family with Angels
Unidentified Artist
Groom and Horses, 1791 - 1824
Théodore Géricault
Untitled (adults and children outside large brick house)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (woman and three boys on brick wall outside)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (two women and boy sitting on brick wall)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (exterior of old two-story brick building)
Jack Gould
Untitled (exterior of old two-story brick building)
Jack Gould
Untitled (interior of room with brick fireplace and toys on floor)
Jack Gould
Untitled (exterior view of flower shop in brick building), active 1913 - 1984
Orrion Barger
Untitled (men and women posed on porch of brick building), active 1930s
Hamblin Studio
A Dilapidated Farmhouse; verso: Walls of a Farmhouse, 1566 - 1651
Abraham Bloemaert
Covered tripod cauldron (ding)
Covered tripod cauldron (ding)
Water dropper in the form of a Quadruped