Covered Rectangular Box, the Cover with a Stylized "Double Hŭi" Character, the Box with Four Cartouches round its Side Walls, the Cartouches Depicting Two Recumbent Spotted Deer amidst Pines, Two Standing Manchurian Cranes amidst Bamboo, Two Walking Spotted Deer amidst Pines, and a Turtle Emerging from Waves, all the Decorative Motifs on Box and Cover Set against a Diapered Ground
Covered Hexagonal Box, the Cover with a Stylized "Double Hŭi" Character, the Box with Characters round its Sides Walls Reading Su, Pok, Kang, Nyŏng, Ta, and Nam, all the Characters on Box and Cover Set against a Nwi-mun (Chinese, Leiwen) Ground
Covered Circular Box, the Cover with a Stylized "Double Hŭi" Character, the Box with Four Cartouches round its Side Walls, the Cartouches Depicting a Turtle, a Crab, a Fish, and a Shrimp, all the Decorative Motifs on Box and Cover Set against a Diapered Ground
Covered Rectangular Box with Movable Handle and Cover Lock, the Sliding Cover with a Stylized "Double Hŭi" Character, the Box with Three Cartouches round its Side Walls, the Cartouches Depicting a Doe, Fawn, and Crane amidst Pines, a Crane and Tortoise amidst Waves and Clouds, and Two Deer Walking amidst Pines and Bamboo, all the Decorative Motifs on Box and Cover Set against a Diapered Ground
Covered Rectangular Box with Movable Handle and Cover Lock, the Sliding Cover with a Stylized "Double Hŭi" Character, the Box with Three Cartouches round its Side Walls, Each Cartouch with a Stylized "Double Hŭi" Character, all the Decorative Motifs on Box and Cover Set against a Diapered Ground
Eight-Lobed, Covered Cosmetic or Seal-Paste Box with Blossoming-Chrysanthemum Decor
Circular, Covered Cosmetic or Seal-Paste Box with Decoration of a Figure Attending a Vase of Blossoming Chrysanthemum Branches
Circular Covered Box with Decoration of a Parrot in Flight Bearing a Floral Spray
Circular, Covered Seal-Paste Box with Abstract Floral Decor
Circular covered box
Circular Covered Silver-Form Box with Decoration of a Blossoming Plant
Covered Circular Silver-Form Box with Floral Decor
Small Circular Covered Silver-Form Box
Circular Covered Box with Decoration of a Blossoming Chrysanthemum Plant
Circular Covered Box with Lotus Blossom Decor
Circular Covered Silver-Form Box with Decoration of a Blossoming Plant
Tall Circular Covered Silver-Form Box