Frank Residence, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1939-1940: Shoe boxes in bathrooms: plan, elevations, and section (6" =1'-0"), active mid-20th C.
Events, 1938 - 2018
Takehisa Kosugi
Untitled (bleed-through of previous page, left page); Untitled (adhered McDonald's french fry box, right page), 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Sestertius of Lucilla, r. 161 - 180 CE
Sestertius of Julia Maesa
Julia Maesa
Dots 1 & 3, 1943 - 1993
Paul Sharits
Film No. 4, born 1933
Yoko Ono
Rose Quartz Stand for Small Jade Circular Covered Box (1941.119.A-B)
Untitled (two babies playing with toys in box)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (cat in boxing ring drinking beer)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (family sitting at table with box of ornaments)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (man holding cat in boxing ring)
Jack Gould
Untitled (man working with large box and equipment)
Jack Gould
Untitled (boy posed wearing boxing gloves), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Loading Team from Dump-Box in Court Square
Unidentified Artist
Rose Quartz Stand for Small Jade Circular Covered Box (1941.120.A-B)
Untitled (soldier wading through water with rifle and ginger ale box, Vietnam), 1945 - 1984
Gordon W. Gahan
The Jewel Box Hoax, 1808-1879
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Sestertius of Lucilla, r. 161 - 180 CE