Officia Marcus Tulius Cicero, Ein Buch So Marcus Tullius Cicero der Römer..., before 1500 - after 1536
Hans Weiditz
German Academy of the Noble Arts of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting (volume 1), 1606 - 1688
Joachim von Sandrart the Elder
Woodcuts and Linoleum Blocks by Max Weber, 1881 - 1961
Max Weber
Biblical Illustrations of the New [and] Old Testaments, artistically cut, 1514 - 1562
Virgil Solis
Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans l'ancienne France, vol. 2, 1788-1839
Printed by Gottfried Engelmann
All New Biblical Pictorial Diversions for Old and Young..., 1662 - 1722
Elias Porzelius
Ship of Fools, by Badius, on the model of Sebastian Brant, 1462 - 1535
Published by Jodocus Badius Ascensius
Doctor Kaisersberg's Prayer Book, 1484/5 - 1545
School of Hans Baldung Grien
A Description of the Works of the Ingenious Delineator and Engraver Wenceslaus Hollar, Disposed into Classes of Different Sorts; with Some Account of His Life, by George Vertue, 1607 - 1677
Wenceslaus Hollar
Streets and Canals of Venice [Calli e Canali in Venezia], 1842 - 1911
Published by Ferdinando Ongania
Streets and Canals in Venice [Calli E Canali in Venezia], 1842 - 1911
Published by Ferdinando Ongania
Ruins of Pompeii, 1804 - 1888
Thomas Dyer LL.D.
Contemporary Portraits, 1778 - 1825
Published by François Séraphin Delpech
Shinkan seiseki-zu, 1st of 2 Volumes
Shinkan seiseki-zu, 2nd of 2 Volumes
Illustrated Guide to Seventy-Two Types of Weather (Shichijūni-kō e-shō), 2nd of 3 Volumes
Illustrated Guide to Seventy-Two Types of Weather (Shichijūni-kō e-shō), 3rd of 3 Volumes
Illustrated Story about Ono no Komachi (Komachi uta-arasoi), 1st of 2 Volumes