Book XXX.38-40. Roman deputies return to Rome from Africa {Tertiae Decadis Liber Decimus p. CLXXXI verso}
Anonymous Germany
Costumes of Michaelenses, Azores, Portugal (woman standing facing right, wearing full length cape, and plaid(?) skirt, scarf on head, holding hat in left hand, right hand on book sitting on stand with vase of flowers), active mid- to late-19th century
A.J. Rapozo
Untitled (seven photographs, clockwise from upper left, Alfred (2 photos); Albert Edward; unidentifed man, seated holding book; unidentified man in uniform; Edward Saxe-Weimar, center, Augusta of Saxe Weimar), 1838-1903
Mary Georgiana Caroline Cecil Filmer
Two Foliate Moresque Friezes, the Lower One with an Archer Preparing to Shoot a Female Defending Herself with a Palm Frond, 1672 - 1730
Étienne-Joseph Daudet
Crucified Christ
Unidentified Artist
Seated Virgin
Unidentified Artist
17th century landscape album
Various Artists
Boaters Watching a Fight, 1773 - 1828
Utagawa Toyohiro
Krishna and Balarama play with the Cowherds (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a Bhagavata Purana series
Krishna Sporting with the Cowherds (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a Bhagavata Purana series
Krishna encounters Kotara, the mother of the thousand-armed demon Bana (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a Bhagavata Purana series