Minerva in Helmet, in Profile
Unidentified Artist
Cupids at Play
Unidentified Artist
Minerva in Serpent Helmet, in Profile
Unidentified Artist
Portrait Bust of a Child
Unidentified Artist
Bust of Cupid
Unidentified Artist
Martyrdom of Saint Blaise
Unidentified Artist
Portrait of a Boy
Unidentified Artist
Venus and Cupid
Unidentified Artist
Portrait Bust of a Woman
Unidentified Artist
Altar Colonette with Saint Michael
Unidentified Artist
Fragment of a Virgin and Child
Unidentified Artist
Fragment of a Capital with Vegetal Forms
Unidentified Artist
Benediction Cross with Icons
Unidentified Artist
Triptych with Christ Carrying the Cross, with Four Saints
Unidentified Artist
Altar Colonette with Saint Paul
Unidentified Artist
Unidentified Artist
Oliver Cromwell?
Unidentified Artist
Effigy vessel in the shape of an owl
Unidentified Artist
Virgin and Child; Christ Blessing (pinnacle trefoil)
Unidentified Artist
Two Shutters with Four Painted Panels
Unidentified Artist