Charity, Children: United States. New Hampshire. Manchester. Manchester Children's Home: New Hampshire State Charitable and Correctional Institutions: Dining Room.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Children: United States. New Hampshire. Manchester. Notre Dame de Lourdes, Orphanage: New Hampshire State Charitable and Correctional Institutions: Notre Dame de Lourdes Orphanage. Manchester, New Hampshire.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Children: United States. New Hampshire. Nashua. St. Joseph's Orphanage: New Hampshire State Charitable and Correctional Institutions: Girls' Recreation Room.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Park and Playgrounds: United States. New York. New York City. W. 50th Street Recreation Piers: New York City Parks and Playgrounds: Recreation Piers New York City.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Park and Playgrounds: United States. New York. New York City. Mulberry Park: New York City Parks and Playgrounds: Shows a Game of Baseball.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Park and Playgrounds: United States. New York. New York City. Seward Park, Open Air Playground: New York City Parks and Playgrounds: William H. Seward Park.: Ground Floor Plan, Seward Park Pavilion, Basement Plan, Seward Park Pavilion
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Organizations: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Publicity for Social Work. (1) Letter Heads. (2) Inserts. (3) Subscription blanks: Welcome House: Welcome House is operated by the Florence Crittenton League
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Organizations: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Publicity for Social Work. (1) Letter Heads. (2) Inserts. (3) Subscription blanks: The Church Home Society: to remind you ?
Unidentified Artist
Religious Agencies: Belgium. Ghent. Mont-Saint-Amand Béguinage: Environment Before Immigration. Standards of Living in European Cities. Social Conditions in Belgium: 1905: Mont-Saint-Amand (Gand). - Béguinage. - Un ouvroir.
Unidentified Artist
Religious Agencies: Belgium. Ghent. Mont-Saint-Amand Béguinage: Environment Before Immigration. Standards of Living in European Cities. Social Conditions in Belgium: 1905: Mont-Saint-Amand (Gand). - Béguinage. - Chapelle des Sept-Douleurs de Marie
Unidentified Artist
Religious Agencies: Belgium. Ghent. Mont-Saint-Amand Béguinage: Environment Before Immigration. Social Conditions in Belgium: 1905: Mont-Saint-Amand (Gand). - Béguinage. - Rue de la Croix.
Unidentified Artist
Religious Agencies, Salvation Army: France. Paris. Men's Lodging House: The Salvation Army Paris, France: Cheap Lodging House for Men, Paris.: Beds at 4¢ per night.
Unidentified Artist
Religious Agencies, Salvation Army: Germany. Salvation Army Work for Children: Salvation Army: Germany: Work with Children.: Creche of Hamburg.
Unidentified Artist
Religious Agencies, Salvation Army: Germany. Cologne. Lodging House and Men's Shelter: Salvation Army: Germany: Cologne.: Woodyard. Compulsory work for all who cannot pay.
Unidentified Artist
Religious Agencies, Salvation Army: Germany. Meissen. Salvation Army Crêche: Salvation Army: Germany: Work with children: Creche for youngest children of Meissen, Saxony.: Out of doors.
Unidentified Artist
Religious Agencies, Salvation Army: Germany. Meissen. Salvation Army Crêche: Salvation Army: Germany: Work with children: Creche for youngest children of Meissen, Saxony.: Playroom.
Unidentified Artist
Religious Agencies, Salvation Army: Great Britain, England. Hadleigh. Salvation Army Labor Colony: Salvation Army: Great Britain. Hadleigh Colony: Practical Farming of the Colonists.
Unidentified Artist
Religious Agencies, Salvation Army: Great Britain, England. Hadleigh. Salvation Army Labor Colony: Salvation Army: Great Britain. Hadleigh Colony: The market garden and the orchard comprise eighty acres each.: Picking Strawberries.
Unidentified Artist
Religious Agencies, Salvation Army: Great Britain, England. London. Salvation Army Rescue Homes: The Salvation Army: Rescue Home, London, England.
Unidentified Artist
Religious Agencies, Salvation Army: Great Britain, Scotland. Glasgow. Workingmen's Hotel: Salvation Army: Great Britain: Workingmen's Hotel Glasgow.: Dining Room.
Unidentified Artist