Two Eminences Observed, folio from an album, active 16th century
Attributed to Mirza ‘Ali
Recumbent Lioness
Blossoming Plum, 1789 - 1866
Cho Hŭi-ryong
Bamboo, 1789 - 1866
Cho Hŭi-ryong
Niagara Falls, 1842 - 1904
Sarah Wyman Whitman
The Sphinx, 1851 - 1929
Susan H. Bradley
Krishna and Radha Converse in a Pavilion as Two Ladies Pass By
Hawaii Island, born 1941
Eiichiro Sakata
Cabbage, born 1938
Daido Moriyama
Train/Pole, born 1938
Daido Moriyama
Barber, born 1938
Daido Moriyama
Girl on Train, born 1938
Daido Moriyama
Paul Jean Louis Azan (1874-1951), 1868 - 1953
Mary Brewster Hazelton
Untitled (Boris Gorelick in front of the United States Court House, Artists' Union and Artists' Committee for Action demonstration for job relief and a municipal art gallery, Foley Square, New York City), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Untitled (Boris Gorelick in front of the United States Court House, Artists' Union and Artists' Committee of Action demonstration for job relief and a municipal art gallery, Foley Square, New York City), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Blank page; verso: Inscription, 1830 - 1896
Frederic Leighton
The Pissing Horse, with Two Hunters and Their Dogs, 1734 - 1809
Joannes Jacobus Bylaert
Dog Standing beside a Paulownia Tree under a Full Moon, 1861 - 1919
An Chung-sik (also known as Sim-chŏn)
Manchurian Crane Standing beside a Banana Palm, 1861 - 1919
An Chung-sik (also known as Sim-chŏn)
U.S. Military Academy Song of the Graduates: sheet music, 1834 - 1903