Social Settlements: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. South End House: South End House, Boston, Mass.: Vacation School 1907.
Unidentified Artist
Races, Immigration: United States. New York. New York City. Immigrant Station: Regulation of Immigration at the Port of Entry. United States Immigrant Station, New York.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh. H.J. Heinz Company: Weekly Lecture in Auditorium.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh. H.J. Heinz Company: Daily Drives in the Parks.
Unidentified Artist
Education, Industrial: United States. New York. New York City. Public Schools, Adaptation to Special City Needs: New York City Public Schools. Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs: Day School-Serving. Public School No. 119 Manhattan.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Pennsylvania. Westmoreland County. H.C. Frick Coke Company: Industrial Welfare Work. Provision of Educational Facilities for Employees: The H.C. Frick Coke Company. Subsidiary of the United States Steel Corporation: Instruction in cooking and housekeeping is provided for daughters of employees at the model home of the district nurses.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Organizations: United States. New York. Newburgh. Associated Charities: Associated Charities. Newburgh, N.Y.: Superintendent's Office. Closets with work done in workroom; and packages of groceries and garments sold in pay for work done.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Massachusetts. Worcester. Royal Worcester Corset Company.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Massachusetts. Worcester. Royal Worcester Corset Company: Laundry - Royal Worcester Corset 6.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh. H.J. Heinz Company: Corner in Recreation Room.
Unidentified Artist
Untitled ("Apollo 17: The Taurus-Littrow valley of the moon")
Unidentified Artist
Untitled ("Apollo 12: Astronaut Bean on the lunar plains of Mare Procellarum")
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: United States. Georgia. Atlanta. Wesley House: Wesley House, Atlanta, Ga.: Night School.
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: United States. District of Columbia. Social Settlement: Agencies Promoting Assimilation of the Negro. Training for Commercial and Industrial Employment. The Social Settlement, Washington, D.C.: Social Service Club. Students of the Normal School.
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: United States. District of Columbia. Washington. Noel House: Noel House, Washington, D.C.
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: United States. California. San Francisco. "Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Association": Telegraph Hill, San Francisco, Cal.
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: United States. California. San Francisco. "Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Association": Telegraph Hill, San Francisco, Cal.
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: United States. California. San Francisco. "Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Association": Telegraph Hill, San Francisco, Cal.
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Frances E. Willard House: Frances E. Willard House, Boston, Mass.
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Neighborhood House: Neighborhood House, Boston, Mass.: Basket Weaving.
Unidentified Artist