Honest Lou's Pest Control Center, North Broad Street, Philadelphia, 20th century
Martin Desht
Street Scene, Mana Yunk, Philadelphia, 20th century
Martin Desht
Silver Hands, 20th century
Stephen Althouse
Zebra Street, 20th century
Stephen Althouse
Grain Elevators, Duluth, Minnesota, born 1934
William Carter
Spring Canyon, Utah, born 1934
William Carter
Indiana State Fair, Indianapolis, born 1934
William Carter
Rockport, Indiana, born 1934
William Carter
Rhode Island, 1912 - 1999
Harry Callahan
Shakespeare, New Mexico, born 1934
William Carter
Born to Loose, Cannie Creek, born 1950
Shelby Lee Adams
Banks Family Porch, born 1950
Shelby Lee Adams
Children at Topmost, born 1950
Shelby Lee Adams
George's Branch Porch, born 1950
Shelby Lee Adams
The Napiers' Living Room, born 1950
Shelby Lee Adams
Study of an Infant's Feet, born 1952
Timothy David Mayhew
Profile Study of a Navajo Girl, born 1952
Timothy David Mayhew
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894), 1865 - 1919
Richard Edwin Brooks
Charles Timothy Brooks (1813-1883), 1823 - 1914
Sarah Hammond Palfrey
Construction: Two Views, 1878 - 1935
Kazimir Malevich