"One O'Clock in the Morning" (5)
Unidentified Artist
"A Quarter to Two in the Morning" (7)
Unidentified Artist
"The Bridegroom's Kiss" (19)
Unidentified Artist
Busy Scene in the Market Place, St. Petersburg
Unidentified Artist
"Merlin de la Ferme"
Unidentified Artist
"A Little Scene"
Unidentified Artist
"A Little Scene"
Unidentified Artist
"A Little Scene"
Unidentified Artist
"Look at Yourself, Pussy" (2314)
Unidentified Artist
"The Bride Ready for the Ceremony" (14)
Unidentified Artist
"Tooth Drawing, Out at Last" (2)
Unidentified Artist
"The Pleasures of Matrimony, or Twelve Months after Marriage"
Unidentified Artist
"Scenes in the Honeymoon"
Unidentified Artist
"And Nicodemus was Fed by the Wayside" (9651)
Unidentified Artist
"Pyramid of the Sun from Pyramid of the Moon" (San Juan Teotihiuacan, Mexico) (10872)
Unidentified Artist
"The Patent Pulpit, Suggested to Congregations for the sudden extinguishing of Dundreary Sermons"
Unidentified Artist
"The Famous Bowery as it is today"
Unidentified Artist
Reconcentrados at Morning Prayer, Havana, Province, Cuba
Unidentified Artist
Bund, Kobe, 38
Unidentified Artist
361 Miyajima
Unidentified Artist