Government, City: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Street Planning, Boston: Diagrams of least widths allowable for traffic streets
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: United States: Heights of Buildings: Districting in Los Angeles: Dark shading indicates industrial districts and residence exceptions. Unshaded portion above pan-handle, residence district. (Source: Report of the Heights of Buildings Commission...New York, 1913, p.44.)
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: United States: Heights of Buildings: Districting in Milwaukee: Industries are unrestricted in shaded areas. (Source: Report of the Heights of Buildings Commission...New York, 1913, p.40)
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: United States: Heights of Buildings: Districting in Minneapolis: Darker shading indicates industrial districts. Lighter shading indicates residential districts. (Source: Report of the Heights of Buildings Commission...New York, 1913, p.38).
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: United States. New York. New York City: Heights of Buildings, New York City: Heights of Residence Buildings in the Bronx: Numerals denote height in stories. Dark Shading denotes apartments. (Source: Report of the Heights of Buildings Commission,...New York, 1913, p.28.)
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Street Planning, Boston: Examples of existing traffic street widths
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: United States. New York. New York City: Heights of Buildings, New York City: Details of Heights of Buildings in Manhattan below Chambers Street.: Smaller numeral indicates height in stories. Larger numeral indicates height in feet. (Source: Report of the Heights of Buildings Commission...New York, 1913, p.22.)
Unidentified Artist
Education, Popular Culture: Germany. Jena: Carl Zeiss Stiftung: Social Conditions in German Cities: 1905: Jena, Lesehalle, Halle und Buchausgabe
Unidentified Artist
Education, Popular Culture: Germany. Jena: Carl Zeiss Stiftung: Social Conditions in German Cities: 1905: Jena, Grosser Volkshaussaal
Unidentified Artist
Education, Popular Culture: United States. New York. New York City: Public Schools, Adaptation to Special City Needs: New York City Public Schools. Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs: Brooklyn Public School.
Unidentified Artist
Education, Popular Culture: United States. New York. New York City: Public Schools, Adaptation to Special City Needs: New York City Public Schools: Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs: Brooklyn Public School: Noon Games
Unidentified Artist
Education, Social and Political: Belgium. Brussels. Institut Solvay: Social Conditions in Belgium, 1903: Solvay Institute of Social Economy
Unidentified Artist
Education, Social and Political: Belgium. Brussels. Institut Solvay: Social Conditions in Belgium, 1903: View of Park
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: France. Paris. Municipal Fire Protection: Municipal Fire-Protection, Paris, France: Firemen in active service: Caserne des Pompiers de la Rue Haxo
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: France. Paris. Municipal Fire Protection: Municipal Fire-Protection, Paris, France: Firemen in active service: Extinction d'un Feu
Unidentified Artist
Education, Popular Culture: Germany. Jena: Carl Zeiss Stiftung: Social Conditions in German Cities: 1905: Jena, Lesehalle, Bücherlesezimmer
Unidentified Artist
Education, Popular Culture: Germany. Jena: Carl Zeiss Stiftung: Social Conditions in German Cities: 1905: Jena, Lesehalle, Diele u. Aufgang
Unidentified Artist
Education, Popular Culture: Germany. Jena: Carl Zeiss Stiftung: Social Conditions in German Cities: 1905: Jena, Grosser Volkshaussaal
Unidentified Artist
Education, Popular Culture: United States. New York. New York City: Public Schools, Adaptation to Special City Needs: New York City Public Schools. Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs: Brooklyn Public School.
Unidentified Artist
Education, Popular Culture: United States. New York. New York City: Public Schools, Adaptation to Special City Needs: New York City Public Schools: Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs: Brooklyn Public School: Noon Games
Unidentified Artist