Government, City: France. Paris. Municipal Fire Protection: Municipal Fire-Protection, Paris, France: Firemen in active service: Aspect d'une Chambre au moment de l'Appel au Feu
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: France. Paris. Municipal Fire Protection: Municipal Fire-Protection, Paris, France: Firemen in active service: Echelle de Sauvetage développée à 20 mètres de hauteur
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: France. Paris. Municipal Fire Protection: Municipal Fire-Protection, Paris, France: Physical Training for Firemen: Mouvements d'assouplissement
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: France. Paris. Municipal Fire Protection: Municipal Fire-Protection, Paris, France: Physical Training for Firemen: Mouvements d'assouplissement
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: United States. New York. New York City: Heights of Buildings, New York City: Heights of Buildings in Brooklyn.: Numerals denote height in stories. (Source: Report of the Heights of Buildings Commission...New York, 1913, p.30)
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: Great Britain, England. London. Battersea: Refuse Depository: Social Conditions in London, England, 1903: Battersea- Shed and yard of refuse depository.
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: Great Britain, England. London. Battersea: Refuse Depository: Social Conditions in London, England, 1903: Battersea- Tipping table of refuse depository, whence carts discharge refuse into tops of furnaces.
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States: Plans of Model Dairy House: Front Elevation
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States: Plans of Model Dairy House: End Elevation
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States: Plans of Model Milk House: Cross Section; Inch, Scale, Details
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States: Schedules used by Local Boards of Health: Dphtheria.
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: France. Paris. Municipal Fire Protection: Municipal Fire-Protection, Paris, France: Physical Training for Firemen: Gymnastique: les Barres Parallèles
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: France. Paris. Municipal Fire Protection: Municipal Fire-Protection, Paris, France: Physical Training for Firemen: Mouvements d'assouplissement
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: France. Paris. Municipal Fire Protection: Municipal Fire-Protection, Paris, France: Physical Training for Firemen: La Gymnastique
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: United States. New York. New York City: Heights of Buildings, New York City: II. Use of artificial light in offices: (A) on new street looking south from Wall Street; (B) on Exchange Place from Broad Street west.
Unidentified Artist
Education, Social and Political: Belgium. Brussels. Institut Solvay: Social Conditions in Belgium, 1903: Solvay Institute of Social Economy
Unidentified Artist
Education, Social and Political: Belgium. Brussels. Institut Solvay: Social Conditions in Belgium, 1903: Grounds of Solvay Institute
Unidentified Artist
Education, Social and Political: France. Paris. Musée Social: Social Conditions in Paris, France: 1905: The Musée Social: Paris
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: France. Paris. Municipal Fire Protection: Municipal Fire-Protection, Paris, France: Firemen in active service: Appareil respiratoire indépendant ne nécessitant pas l'emploi d'une Pompe à Air pour les miliuex irrespirables
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: France. Paris. Municipal Fire Protection: Municipal Fire-Protection, Paris, France: Firemen in active service: Le Salvage-Corps, service de protection destiné à empècher les dégâts au cours des incendies
Unidentified Artist