Housing, Conditions: United States. Illinois. Chicago. Lodging Houses: Housing Conditions Chicago,: 1-room apartment in furnished rooming house on the West Side: 8 families now living in this house originally occupied by single family.
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: Great Britain, England. London. Public Comfort Station: Social Conditions in London, England, 1903: Leicester Square Underground Public Comfort Station for Men.
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: Great Britain, England. London. Public Comfort Station: Social Conditions in London, England, 1903: Leicester Square Underground Public Comfort Station for Women.
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States: Plans of Model Dairy House: Rear Elevation
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States: Schedules used by Local Boards of Health: Tuberculosis.
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States: Schedules used by Local Boards of Health: Whooping Cough.
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States. Massachusetts. Brookline: Schedules used by Local Boards of Health: Board of Health Record of Stable Inspection
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States. Massachusetts. Clinton: Schedules used by Local Boards of Health: Diphtheria
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States. Massachusetts. Haverhill: Schedules used by Local Boards of Health: Health Department, City of Haverhill, Mass. Infant Welfare Service.
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States. Massachusetts. Haverhill: Schedules used by Local Boards of Health: First Visit. Ophthalmia Neonatorum.
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States. Massachusetts. Haverhill: Schedules used by Local Boards of Health: Detailed Score of Bakery
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Health Posters: Things to remember about the housefly
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States. New Jersey. Newark: Cards Used in Housing Investigation, Newark, N.J.: Housing investigation cards used by the Newark Anti-Tuberculosis Association.
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States. New Jersey. Newark: Cards Used in Housing Investigation, Newark, N.J.: Housing investigation cards used by the Newark Anti-Tuberculosis Association.: Tuberculosis Mortality of Newark N.J.
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States. Wisconsin. Milwaukee: Schedules used by Local Boards of Health: Milwaukee Health Department
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States. Wisconsin. Milwaukee: Schedules used by Local Boards of Health: Milwaukee Health Department
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States. Wisconsin. Milwaukee: Schedules used by Local Boards of Health: To the Librarian, Public Library, City
Unidentified Artist
Health, General: United States. Wisconsin. Milwaukee: Schedules used by Local Boards of Health: Tuberculosis
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: Great Britain, England. London: Lambeth Baths: Social Conditions in London, England, 1903: Lambeth Baths.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: Great Britain, England. Manchester. Public Baths: Social Conditions in Manchester, England, 1903: Public bath
Unidentified Artist