Housing, Conditions: United States. Pennsylvannia. Pittsburgh. Houses; Streets; Yards: Environment After Immigration, Perpeptuation of European Standards in America. Housing Conditions, PIttsburgh, Pa.: A homestead court.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: United States. Pennsylvannia. Pittsburgh. Houses; Streets; Yards: Environment After Immigration, Perpetuation of European Standards in America, Housing Conditions, Pittsburgh, Pa.: Well-to-do slavic family: interior of house.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: United States. Pennsylvannia. Braddock & McKeesport. Yards: Housing Conditions, Pittsburgh. Pa.: McKeespoprt, 1909. Strawberry Alley.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Industrial: United States. New York. Albany: Methods in Cheap Construction of Dwellings: Frame and Stucco Construction: Albany Home Building Co.: Plan 2.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Industrial: United States. New York. Albany: Methods in Cheap Construction of Dwellings: Frame and Stucco Construction: Albany Home Building Co.: Plan 1.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Industrial: United States. New York. Albany. Whitehall Park: Methods in Cheap Construction of Dwellings: Frame and Stucco Construction: Albany Home Building Co., Whitehall Park.
Unidentified Artist
Apartment House Communal Rooms for Werkbund Exhibition, Paris, 1930: Utensils Display
Unidentified Artist
Brocaded Fragment with Narrative Motifs
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (unidentified man, seated, surrounded by astronomer's implements)
Unidentified Artist
Louis Agassiz (1807-1873)
Unidentified Artist
African Tour
Unidentified Artist
Family Photo Album, both travel and family images
Unidentified Artist
Algerian Album containing 50 photographs
Unidentified Artist
Lion and Horse, after antiquity
Unidentified Artist
Cupid Sellers, after a fresco
Unidentified Artist
Louis Napoleon III (1808-1873)
Unidentified Artist
Aurora, after antiquity?
Unidentified Artist
The Farnese Bull, after antiquity
Unidentified Artist
Hercules Strangling the Nemean Lion, after antiquity
Unidentified Artist