Education, Industrial: United States. New York. New York City. Public Schools, Adaptation to Special Needs: New York City Public Schools. Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs: Public School No. 37 Manhattan: Housekeeping-Serving.
Unidentified Artist
Education, Industrial: United States. New York. New York City. Public Schools, Adaptation to Special Needs: Process through which the Child Learns How to Earn a Living. New York City Public Schools. Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs. Pre-Vocational: Training for General Usefulness: Girls' Technical High School, Manhattan.: Interest, self-respect, self-reliance and regard for the rights and privileges of others are characteristic of these classes: Housekeeping - Cooking.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: United States. Pennsylvannia. Pittsburgh. Houses; Streets; Yards: Housing Conditions, Pittsburgh. Pa.: Painter's Row: 1908: torn down.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: United States. Pennsylvannia. Pittsburgh. Houses; Streets; Yards: Housing Conditions, Pittsburgh. Pa.: Yard privies near pump.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: United States. Pennsylvannia. Pittsburgh. Houses; Streets; Yards: Housing Conditions, Pittsburgh. Pa.: Frame dwellings: back yards without gardens: common privies.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: United States. Pennsylvannia. Pittsburgh. Houses; Streets; Yards: Environment After Immigration, Perpeptuation of European Standards in America. Housing Conditions, PIttsburgh, Pa.: 1 Room for Family of 3.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: United States. Massachusetts: Rural Housing Conditions, Massachusetts: A one-room house (at right) occupied by eleven persons.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Improved Housing: Boston: Charlesbank Homes: Rent Receipts, Keys, etc.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. D Street Municipal Gymnasium and Baths: Public Baths in the United States: Dover Street Municipal Bath, Boston, Massachusetts.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. D Street Municipal Gymnasium and Baths: Public Baths in the United States: Gymnasium, Interior of Gym, D Street Municipal Gymnasium and Bath, Boston, Massachusetts.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. Massachuestts. Boston. Dover St. Bath: Public Baths in the United States: Boston's Public Baths: View of Showers. Waiting their turn.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: United States. Massachusetts: Rural Housing Conditions, Massachusetts: A shack near the Vermont line in which three children lived with immoral adults.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Improved Housing: Boston: Charlesbank Homes: Rules: Of: The: Building.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Improved Housing: Boston: Charlesbank Homes: Application Blank.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Cabot Street Municipal Baths: Public Baths in the United States: Public Bath, Cabot Street, Boston, Mass.: Plan 1.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. Gaskill Street Bath: Public Baths in the United States: The only public bath in Philadelphia is operated by a private organization known as The Public Bath Association of Philadelphia.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. New York. Yonkers. Municipal Bath Number 2: Public Baths in the United States: Municipal Bath Number 2. Yonkers, New York: Floor Plan.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. New York. Yonkers. Municipal Bath Number 2: Public Baths in the United States: Municipal Bath Number 2. Yonkers, New York: Transverse Section.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. New York. Brooklyn. Pitkin Avenue Municipal Bath: Public Baths in the United States. Pitkin Avenue. Municipal Bath. Brooklyn, New York: First floor plan.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. New York. Brooklyn. Pitkin Avenue Municipal Bath: Public Baths in the United States. Pitkin Avenue. Municipal Bath. Brooklyn, New York: Second floor plan.
Unidentified Artist