Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: Great Britain, England. Bourneville. Cadbury Bros.: Welfare Institutions and Improved Housing: Welfare Institutions of Cadbury Bros. (Cocoa and Chocolate Manufacturers), Bournville (near Birmingham), England. (Given to the Nation in 1900): Statement from The Town Planning Review, April 1910.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: Great Britain, England. Bourneville. Cadbury Bros.: Welfare Institutions and Improved Housing: Bournville Works and Village, Bournville, England: Cocoa and Chocolate Works of Cadbury Brothers, Ltd. The Bournville Village Trust: Maryvale Road. Detached corner house. Rent £30 a year, rates extra. Semi-detached houses. Rents 10S a week, rates included.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: Great Britain, England. Bourneville. Cadbury Bros.: Welfare Institutions and Improved Housing: Bournville Works and Village, Bournville, England: Cocoa and Chocolate Works of Cadbury Brothers, Ltd. The Bournville Village Trust: Block of two houses, Lindon Road. Larger type of houses. Rent £40 a year, rates extra.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: Great Britain, England. Port Sunlight. Lever Bros.: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: England: Model Dwellings: Port Sunlight near Liverpool (Lever Bros., Soap Manufacturers).
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: Great Britain, England. Port Sunlight. Lever Bros.: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: England: Model Dwellings: Port Sunlight near Liverpool (Lever Bros., Soap Manufacturers).
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: Great Britain, England. Port Sunlight. Lever Bros.: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: England: Christ Church, Port Sunlight
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: Great Britain, England. Port Sunlight. Lever Bros.: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: England: Auditorium, Port Sunlight
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: Great Britain, England. Port Sunlight. Lever Bros.: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: England: Port Sunlight Bridge Inn
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Maryland. Sparrow's Point. Maryland Steel Company: Maryland Steel Company, Sparrows Point, Md.: Double cottage, built of concrete blocks, 8 rooms and bath. Rent $20.00 per. mo. Occupied by foremen and skilled mechanics.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Maryland. Sparrow's Point. Maryland Steel Company: Sparrows Point, Md. Welfare Institutions: Pennwood Grove, a native forest on the outskirts of the town
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Massachusetts. North Billerica. Talbot Mills: Talbot Mills, North Billerica, Mass.: Dwellings of Employees
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Massachusetts. North Billerica. Talbot Mills: Talbot Mills, North Billerica, Mass.: Dwellings of Employees
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Massachusetts. North Billerica. Talbot Mills: Talbot Mills, North Billerica, Mass.: Dwellings of Employees
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Massachusetts. North Billerica. Talbot Mills: Talbot Mills, North Billerica, Mass.: Dwellings of Employees
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: Great Britain, England. Woodlands. Brodsworth Main Colliery Co.: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: England
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: Great Britain, England. Woodlands. Brodsworth Main Colliery Co.: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: England
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Illinois. Leclaire. Nelson Manufacturing Company: Welfare Institutions. N. O. Nelson Co., Leclaire, Ill.: Views of Nelson Factories: Giving a fair idea of the vine-clad factory buildings flower bed, etc. This factory employs about 300 men most of whom live in the village Leclaire adjoining Edwardsville.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Ohio. Middletown. American Rolling Mill Company: Industrial Housing, Detached Dwellings: Frame Construction: The American Rolling Mill Co., Middletown, Ohio. "Garden City": The welfare work of this company is described in the official pamphlets. See In..........: II. General view of allotment gardens maintained by immigrant laborers.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Ohio. Middletown. American Rolling Mill Company: Industrial Housing
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Ohio. Middletown. American Rolling Mill: Industrial Welfare Work: Provision of Recreational Facilities for Employees: II: The American Rolling Mill Co., Middletown, Ohio.: II. The garden at the south side of House No. 6. The company provides flower seeds and gives prizes for best gardens. (For further statements concerning the welfare work of the Company see In..................).
Unidentified Artist