Art Institute Chicago
Harvard art museum
My Exhibition
Right fist; seated woman holding a book, 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Seated Woman in Classical Pose, Study for "Jason Returning to Demand His father's Kingdom", 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Chandelier in Plan, Elevation, and Perspective, 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Male Figure with a Sword; Head of a Woman, for "Fairies on the Seashore...", 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Study of a Man with a Cape, for "Casket Scene;" verso: Pigeon Studies, 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Male Torso with Raised Right Arm; verso: Leg, 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Head of a Boy, for "Sketch of a Shepherd Boy"; verso: Head of a Boy, 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Group of Heads, for "Christ Healing the Sick", 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Flying Figures, for "Fairies on the Seashore...", 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Two Rows of Classical Figures, 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Female Head in Profile: Study of Ann Channing Allston, for "The Valentine", 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Winged Female Allegorical Figure with Cherub, 1779 - 1843
Attributed to Washington Allston
Composite Study of Daniel's Robe, for "Belshazzar's Feast", 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Four Standing Men, for "Christ Healing the Sick", 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Youth with a Flute, 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Study for "Ship in a Squall", 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Male Head in Profile; Arm, for "Dead Man Revived..."; verso: Three Heads and Arm, 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Three Sketches of a Skirt; Two Heads in Profile, Studies for "Family Group", 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Spalatro's Head, for "Spalatro's Vision of the Bloody Hand", 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Ann Channing Allston, for "The Valentine", 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston