Religious Agencies, Salvation Army: United States. Salvation Army Group in Uniform: The Salvation Army: Staff Band.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Outings: Belgium. Antwerp. "Diesterweg," Vacation School Colony: Onderwijsvereeniging "Diesterweg" Schoolkolonies van 1902
Unidentified Artist
Races, Indians: United States. New York. Iroquois. Thomas Asylum for Orphan and Destitute Indian Children: State Thomas Asylum for Orphan and Destitute Indian Children, Iroquois, N.Y.: Kindergarten
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (reproduction of engraving of George Washington)
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Philanthropic: United States. New York. New York City. Fire Menace Tenement House: Fire Menace Tenement House: Cross-section of a tenement house. Arrows show how a fire in the first story spreads quickly to the top story by means of the stair-hall, and "mushrooms out" at each intervening floor. Source: Report of the Tenement House Committee, New York, 1894.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: United States. Pennsylvannia. Braddock & McKeesport. Yards: Housing Conditions, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: United States. Massachusetts: Rural Housing Conditions, Massachusetts.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Boston Dwelling House Company: Boston Dwelling House Company.
Unidentified Artist
Girolamo Savonarola (1452-1498)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (The world's first view of the Earth taken by a spacecraft from the vicinity of the Moon)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (The world's first view of the Earth taken by a spacecraft from the vicinity of the Moon)
Unidentified Artist
Electric Chair, State Prison, Auburn, N.Y.
Unidentified Artist
Do You Want Me?
Unidentified Artist
Czech New Year's Greeting from Space
Unidentified Artist
Joyeux Avril
Unidentified Artist
Sheet of Playing Cards (with extra jacks)
Unidentified Artist
Ford Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938-1939: Wall dividing living and dining rooms
Unidentified Artist
Gropius Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938: View from south
Unidentified Artist
Etui with Seal
Unidentified Artist
Sheet of Playing Cards (with reversed orientation)
Unidentified Artist