Recreation, Outings: Belgium. Antwerp. "Diesterweg," Vacation School Colony: Onderwijsvereeniging "Diesterweg". Hulpkas voor Behoeftige Schoolkinderen. Schoolkoloniën van 1900
Unidentified Artist
Crime, Prisons: United States, New York, New York City. Department of Correction: Department of Correction, New York City: Women's Hall. Workhouse, Blackwell's Island.
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: United States. New York. New York City. 66th Street and Avenue A Vacation Playground: New York City Public Schools. Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs: Vacation Playground. (Open Air.) 66th Street & Ave. A., Manhattan.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Organizations: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Publicity for Social Work: Booklets
Unidentified Artist
Crime, Children, Reform Schools: United States. Massachusetts. Westboro. Lyman School for Boys: Learning Iron Work.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: United States. Wisconsin. Milwaukee. Tenements: Housing Conditions: Milwaukee: From the 12th Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor - State of Wisconsin
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: United States. Wisconsin. Milwaukee. Tenements: Housing Conditions: Milwaukee.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: United States. Pennsylvannia. Pittsburgh. Houses; Streets; Yards: Housing Conditions, Pittsburgh. Pa.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: United States. Pennsylvannia. Pittsburgh. Houses; Streets; Yards: Environment After Immigration, Perpeptuation of European Standards in America: Housing Conditions, Pittsburgh. Pa.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Industrial: United States. Pennsylvania. Nanticoke. Concrete Village: Industrial Housing, General View of Village: Delaware, Lackawanna, & Western R. R. Co.: Nanticoke is a model concrete village.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. Pennsylvannia. Philadelphia. Gaskill Street Bath: Public Baths in the United States: Gaskilll Street Bath, Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia.
Unidentified Artist
Education, Industrial: United States. New York. New York City. Public Schools, Adaptation to Special City Needs: New York City Public Schools. Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs: Class from Wadleigh High School Manhattan. Museum of Natural History, Manhattan.
Unidentified Artist
Education, Industrial: United States. New York. Vacation Schools: New York City Public Schools. Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs: Public School No. 90 Manhattan: Vacation School.
Unidentified Artist