Health, Baths: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. D Street Municipal Gymnasium and Baths: Public Baths in the United States: D Street Municipal Gymnasium and Bath, Boston, Massachusetts.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. New York. Brooklyn. Pitkin Avenue Municipal Bath: Public Baths in the United States. Pitkin Avenue. Municipal Bath. Brooklyn, New York.
Unidentified Artist
Education, Industrial: United States. New York. New York City. Public Schools, Adaptation to Special City Needs: New York City Public Schools. Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs: Day School - Cooking. Public School No. 119 Manhattan.
Unidentified Artist
Education, Industrial: United States. New York. New York City. Public Schools, Adaptation to Special City Needs: Process through which the Child Learns How to Earn a Living. New York City Public Schools. Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs. Pre-Vocational: Training for General Usefulness: Girls' Technical High School, Manhattan.: Interest, self-respect, self-reliance and regard for the rights and privileges of others are characteristic of these classes.
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: United States. Illinois. Chicago. "Hull House": Hull House, Chicago, Ill.
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: United States. Illinois. Chicago. "Hull House": Hull House, Chicago, Ill.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. Massachusetts. Boston: Public Baths in the United States.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. Pennsylvannia. Philadelphia. Gaskill Street Bath: Public Baths in the United States: Gaskilll Street Bath, Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia.
Unidentified Artist
Education, Industrial: United States. New York. New York City. Public Schools, Adaptation to Special Needs: New York City Public Schools. Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs: Dressmaking. Evening. Public School No. 96 Manhattan.
Unidentified Artist
Education, Industrial: United States. New York. New York City. Public Schools, Adaptation to Special Needs. Public School No. 1 Manhanttan: New York City Public Schools: Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs: Evening Playcenter - Concert on Roof Playground. Public School No. 1 Manhattan.
Unidentified Artist
Education, Industrial: United States. New York. New York City. Public Schools, Adaptation to Special Needs: New York City Public Schools. Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs: Public School No. 37 Manhattan.
Unidentified Artist
Education, Industrial: United States. New York. New York City. Public Schools, Adaptation to Special City Needs: New York City Public Schools. Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs: Public School No. 37 Manhattan: Housekeeping Cleaning.
Unidentified Artist
Education, Industrial: United States. New York. New York City. Vacation Schools: New York City Public Schools. Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs: Vacation School-Cooking. Annex, Manual Training High School, Brooklyn.
Unidentified Artist
Education, Industrial: United States. New York. New York City. Public Schools, Adaptation to Special Needs: New York City Public Schools. Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs: Public School No. 37 Manhattan.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States: Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh. H. J. Heinz Company: Reception Room at Headquarters.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh. H. J. Heinz Company: Our Choral Society.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Industrial: United States. Pennsylvania. Leckrone. H. C. Frick Coke Company: Industrial Housing. Semi-Detached Dwellings. Frame Construction: The H. C. Frick Coke Company. Subsidiary of the United States Steel Corporation
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Industrial: United States. Massachusetts. Framingham. Dennison Manufacturing Company: Industrial Housing, Detached Dwellings Frame Constrruction: Dennison Manufacturing Company, Framingham, Massachusetts.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Industrial: United States. Massachusetts. Framingham. Dennison Manufacturing Company: Industrial Housing, Detached Dwellings Frame Constrruction: Dennison Manufacturing Company, Framingham, Massachusetts.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Industrial: United States. Minnesota. Proctor. Duluth, Missabe and Northern Railroad Company: Industrial Housing, Frame Construction, Detached Dwellings: The Duluth, Missabe and Northern Railroad Company, Houses at Proctor, Minnesota. Steel Ore Car Repair Shop location.
Unidentified Artist