Allegorical Figures of Counsel, Splendor of Name, Nobility, Dignity, and Merit
Unidentified Artist
Capital from Moutiers-Saint-Jean
Unidentified Artist
Abacus of Capital from the Abbey of Santa María de Lebanza
Unidentified Artist
Capital from the Abbey of Santa María de Lebanza, Palencia; principal face: Two Holy Women and Angel at the Tomb: right face: Third Holy Woman; left face: Gardener (Christ?)"
Unidentified Artist
Saint Andrew
Unidentified Artist
One of a Pair of Coin Bracelets
Unidentified Artist
Pair of Earrings
Unidentified Artist
Christ Healing the Lame
Unidentified Artist
Three Saints: Ss. Anthony of Padua, Cosmas and Damian
Unidentified Artist
Openwork necklace
Unidentified Artist
Portrait of Michelangelo after the "Strozzi" original in the Uffizi Gallery
Unidentified Artist
Pair of Sabots
Unidentified Artist
Bottle with Stopple
Unidentified Artist
Swami-style Locket (manikkadaipputtu)
Unidentified Artist
Unidentified Artist
Jewel Case with Mirror
Unidentified Artist
Enamelled Inkwell
Unidentified Artist
Cream Pitcher
Unidentified Artist