Droguet Panel in the form of a Cover
Unidentified Artist
Cape for a Statue
Unidentified Artist
Book Cover
Unidentified Artist
Chalice veil
Unidentified Artist
The Virgin and Child
Unidentified Artist
Cup and Saucer
Unidentified Artist
Tower Shaped Casket
Unidentified Artist
Capital from Moutiers-Saint-Jean, Burgundy; Leaves and scrolls
Unidentified Artist
Capital from Moutiers-Saint-Jean, Burgundy; acanthus leaves and scrolls
Unidentified Artist
Abacus of Engaged Twin Columns from Abbey of Santa María de Lebanza, Palencia
Unidentified Artist
Capital from Moutiers-Saint-Jean; principal face: The Journey to Emmaus; right face: The Village of Emmaus; left face: Angel
Unidentified Artist
Capital from Moutiers-Saint-Jean; principal face: The Sacrifice of Cain and Abel; right face: Samson Wrestling the Lion; left face: Tree of Life(?)
Unidentified Artist
Virgin and Child
Unidentified Artist
Saint Catherine; left panel: Saint Louis of Toulouse (?) and the Archangel Gabriel; right panel: Saint Francis and the Annuniciate Virgin
Unidentified Artist
Saint Mark
Unidentified Artist
Commemorating the unveiling of a statue of General Urquiza
Unidentified Artist
Waterspout with Head with Forked Beard
Unidentified Artist
Bust of Christ
Unidentified Artist
Head of a Bishop Saint
Unidentified Artist