The Virgin of the Miracle with a Donor
Unidentified Artist
Standing Figure of a Woman
Unknown Artist
Seated Woman
Unknown Artist
Cock, Hen, Chicks, and Cockscomb Flower
Unknown Artist
Landscape with two figures engaged in a conversation, from album of paintings
Unidentified Artist
Head of a Saint
Unidentified Artist
Portrait of a Gentleman in a Blue Robe
Unidentified Artist
Landscape, from album of paintings
Unidentified Artist
"Oriental" bracelet
Unidentified Artist
Fragment of Silk Damask
Unidentified Artist
Unidentified Artist
Epimanikion depicting the Angel Gabriel
Unidentified Artist
Fragment of Velvet Trim
Unidentified Artist
Epimanikion depicting the Annunciation
Unidentified Artist
Fragment of Velvet with Birds and Leopards
Unidentified Artist
Massacre of the Innocents
Unidentified Artist
Damask Textile Fragment
Unidentified Artist
Fragment of Silk Lampas
Unidentified Artist
Epimanikion depicting the Virgin Mary
Unidentified Artist
Textile Fragment
Unidentified Artist