No. 11. Oebashi Yokohama
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (crowd on a street)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (houses and paved walk, two figures in background)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (courtyard scene)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (man with pointed stick through left cheek, holding a metal disk)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (snapshot of figures on a porch)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (woman standing, holding umbrella)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (group of six men, seated, crowd of men in background)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (unidentified western-style building)
Unidentified Artist
No. 13. 100 Steps Yokohama
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (interior)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (horse drawn cart with two men, in courtyard)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (ornate interior)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (landscape with hills and trees, pagoda visible in background, upper left)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (pagoda)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (pagoda and smaller building to front, stone wall to right)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (group of people in front of a house)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (bridge, wooded island in background)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (meadow with stream, animals in background)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (building)
Unidentified Artist