Glass Bead Bell Pull
Unidentified Artist
Unidentified Artist
Panel in the form of a Table Runner
Unidentified Artist
Naturalistic Silk Panel Fragment made into a Table Runner
Unidentified Artist
Cover (two panel widths)
Unidentified Artist
Bizarre silk panel
Unidentified Artist
Book Cover
Unidentified Artist
Navajo Dress Panel
Unidentified Artist
Virgin and Child
Unidentified Artist
Virgin and Child with God the Father and Two Angels, Mandilion, Angels, Saints and Floral Motifs
Unidentified Artist
Marcus Aurelius
Unidentified Artist
Abacus with Animals and Foliage
Unidentified Artist
Engaged Column with Design of Grapevines
Unidentified Artist
Capital from Moutiers-Saint-Jean; principal face: The Annunciation to Zachariah in the Temple; right face: Unidentified Scene; left face: Elizabeth and an Unidentified Man
Unidentified Artist
The Nativity
Unidentified Artist
Annunciation with Saint Benedict and a male donor
Unidentified Artist
Madonna and Child
Unidentified Artist