Charity, Aged: United States. New York. New York City. Home for Aged and Infirm, Brooklyn Division, Flatbush: Home for Aged and Infirm, Brooklyn Division, Flatbush (New York City Almshouse System): Buildings for Infants, Aged Women, and Nervous Cases
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Aged: United States. New York. New York City. Home for Aged and Infirm, Brooklyn Division, Flatbush: Home for Aged and Infirm, Brooklyn Division, Flatbush (New York City Almshouse System): Pavilion for Consumptives
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Aged: United States. New York. New York City. Home for Aged and Infirm, Brooklyn Division, Flatbush: Home for Aged and Infirm, Brooklyn Division, Flatbush (New York City Almshouse System): Hospital Nurses Home
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Aged: United States. New York. New York City. Home for Aged and Infirm, Richmond Division, Staten Island: Home for Aged and Infirm, Borough of Richmond Division, Staten Island (New York City Almshouse System): Women's Building
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Children: Belgium. Brussels. Oeuvre des Petits Pieds Nues: Oeuvre des Petits Pieds Nus, Bruxelles, Belgique
Unidentified Artist
Anarchism: Russia. Portraits of Tolstoi: Anarchism: Types of Philosophical Anarchists: Tolstoi, Christian prophet of liberty.
Unidentified Artist
Anarchism: Germany. Portraits of Nietzsche: Anarchism: Types of Philosophical Anarchists: Nietzsche, philosophical individualist.
Unidentified Artist
Anarchism: Holland. Portraits of Salomonson: Anarchism: Salomonson - a Dutch apostle of the return to nature.: Monsieur Joseph Salomonson d'Amsterdam. Ex-consul Meva, l'apôtre de la vie naturelle
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Aged: Belgium. Louvain. Refuge de Charité: Public Charitable Institutions, Louvain, Belgium: Refuge of Charity: Interior Façade facing the Court
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Aged: Belgium. Louvain. Refuge de Charité: Public Institutions, Louvain, Belgium: Refuge of Charity: Group of Old Men.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Aged: Belgium. Louvain. Asylum for Aged Men: Public Charitable Institutions, Louvain, Belgium: Asylum for Orphan Boys and Aged Men.: First Communion of the Orphans.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Aged: Belgium. Louvain. Refuge de Charité: Public Charitable Institutions, Louvain, Belgium: Refuge of Charity.: Dining Room.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Aged: United States. New York. Buffalo. St. Francis Asylum: St. Francis Asylum, Buffalo, N.Y.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Aged: United States. New York. New York City. Home for Aged and Infirm, Manhattan Division, Blackwell's Island: Home for Aged and Infirm, Manhattan Division (New York City Almshouse System): Employees' Quarters
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Aged: United States. New York. New York City. Home for Aged and Infirm, Manhattan Division, Blackwell's Island: Home for Aged and Infirm, Manhattan Division (New York City Almshouse System): General Kitchen & Laundry (Male Helpers' Dormitory on Third Floor).
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Aged: United States. New York. New York City. Home for Aged and Infirm, Brooklyn Division, Flatbush: Home for Aged and Infirm, Brooklyn Division, Flatbush (New York City Almshouse System): Women's Building (Offices in Basment)
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Aged: United States. New York. New York City. Home for Aged and Infirm, Brooklyn Division, Flatbush: Home for Aged and Infirm, Brooklyn Division, Flatbush (New York City Almshouse System): Women's Building (Offices in Basment)
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Aged: United States. New York. New York City. Home for Aged and Infirm, Richmond Division, Staten Island: Home for Aged and Infirm, Borough of Richmond Division, Staten Island (New York City Almshouse System): Superintendant's Quarters: Old Quarters (100 Years Old); Present Quarters.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Aged: United States. New York. New York City. Home for Aged and Infirm, Richmond Division, Staten Island: Home for Aged and Infirm, Borough of Richmond Division, Staten Island (New York City Almshouse System): Men's Building Before Improvements
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Aged: United States. New York. New York City. Home for Aged and Infirm, Brooklyn Division, Flatbush: Home for Aged and Infirm, Brooklyn Division, Flatbush (New York City Almshouse System): General Laundry
Unidentified Artist