Industrial Problems, Coöperation: France. La situation topographique de la coopération socialiste: 1909: Coöperative Societies, France: Plan Établissant la Situation Topographique de la Coopération Socialiste Groupée a la B.C.S.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: United States. Minnesota. Minneapolis. Right Relationship League: Coöperation, United States
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: United States. Right Relationship League: Coöperation, United States
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Employees Associations: France. Creusot. Syndicat des corporations ouvières des usines du creusot
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Employment Bureaus: France. Paris. Municipal Employment Office, XVII arrondissement: Bureau Municipal de Placement Gratuit du XVIIème arrondissement: Medaille d'Or à l'Exposition Universelle de 1900
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Prevention of Accidents: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Educational Posters: Educational Posters: Avoid Accidents! Think of Safety!
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Prevention of Accidents: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Educational Posters: Avoid Accidents! Think of Safety!
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: United States. Right Relationship League: Coöperation, United States: Forms used by the Auditing Department of the Right Relationship League, 1913.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: United States. Right Relationship League: Coöperation, United States
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Employment Bureaus: Switzerland. "Zentralstelle der Schweizerischen Arbeitsämter": Map showing Local Offices and Shelters; Official Notices of Vacant Positions: Central-Vakanzen-Liste der Schweizerischen kommunalen Arbeitsämter: Offene Stellen für männliches Personal.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Employment Bureaus: Switzerland. "Zentralstelle der Schweizerischen Arbeitsämter": Map showing Local Offices and Shelters; Official Notices of Vacant Positions: Arbeitsämter und Naturalverpflegungsstationen in der Schweiz 1911.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Incomes and Expenditures: United States. Average Expenditure per Family, by Geographical Divisions: Average Size of the Families Investigated, by Geographical Divisions and General Nativity of Head of Family.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Incomes and Expenditures: United States. Average Expenditure per Family, by Geographical Divisions: Per Cent of Total Income Expended, by Nativity of Head of Family.
Unidentified Artist
Provident Institutions, Insurance, General: France. Union syndicale des industriels forains: Si tu veux ton droit fais ton devoir: Union Syndicale des Industriels Forains, fondée en 1882: Liberté, Solidarité, Justice
Unidentified Artist
Provident Institutions, Insurance, General: France. Paris. Chemin de fer d'Orléans, société de secours mutuels: Mutual Aid Societies, France: Société de Secours Mutuels et de Prévoyance des Ouvriers et Employés de la Compagnie du Chemin de Fer d'Orléans
Unidentified Artist
Races, Immigration: United States. Immigration to the United States: Distribution of Population (Foreign Whites) by Sex and Age Periods. [Census of 1900.]
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Prevention of Accidents: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Educational Posters: B: Safety First: Before crossing the street look both ways. Get the safety habit. When passing behind a car, remember that cars are running in the other direction. KEEP CALM. AVOID HASTY MOVEMENTS. WATCH OUT. BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Prevention of Accidents: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Educational Posters: D: Safety First: Do you know that 98 per cent of accidents are avoidable? You should do your share toward helping reduce accidents. By using caution in getting on and off cars and in crossing the streets you CAN and WILL prevent injury. Injuries are wasteful, costly, and sometimes fatal.: It Pays to be Careful.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Prevention of Accidents: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Educational Posters: E: Safety First: Fathers, Mothers, Relatives, School Teachers, - Everyone! Teach the children not to play on or near the car tracks. They do not appreciate the dangers. The motorman will do his level best to prevent injuring them. Won't you do YOUR part? You are nearest and closest to them.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Prevention of Accidents: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Educational Posters: C: Safety First: Statistics show that 75 per cent of the Street Car Accidents are caused by passengers getting on or off while car is in motion. Don't Take Chances. Watch Your Step. Always face the front of the car in alighting. Help to prevent accidents by waiting until the care stops.: Safety First
Unidentified Artist