Housing, Improved: Belgium. Brussels. Commune de Schaerbeek: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: Belgium: Model Dwellings erected by the Commune Schaerbeek: Brussels.: Dwellings: Avenue Mahillon.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: France. Paris. “Société des habitations écon. du Département de la Seine”: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: France: Model Tenement, Rue Gerbier, Paris.: Plan of Ground Floor.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Public: United States. New York. Oswego. City Almshouse: Almshouses of Oswego City, N.Y.: Barns
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Public: United States. New York. Owego: Tioga County Almshouse: Almshouses of Tioga County, N.Y.: Hog House, Laundry-Hospital, Men's Building
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Public: United States. New York. Owego: Tioga County Almshouse: Almshouses of Tioga County, N.Y.: Barns
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Public: United States. New York. Phoenix Mills. Owego County Almshouse: Almshouses of Otsego County, N.Y.: Woodshed and Outbuildings
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Public: United States. New York. Phoenix Mills. Owego County Almshouse: Almshouses of Otsego County, N.Y.: Barns
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Public: United States. New York. Poughkeepsie. County Almshouse: Almshouses of Poughkeepsie County, N.Y.: East Side of Buildings
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Public: United States. New York. Poughkeepsie. County Almshouse: Almshouses of Poughkeepsie County, N.Y.: New Brick Storehouse, Horse-Barn
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Germany. Ulm. Municipal Improved Dwellings: Municipal Housing: Germany: Houses for workmen erected by the city of Ulm: Germany.: Einfamilien-Wohnhäuser für Arbeiter. Ulm a. D.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Germany. Ulm. Municipal Improved Dwellings: Municipal Housing: Germany: Houses for workmen erected by the city of Ulm: Germany.: Einfamilien-Wohnhäuser für Arbeiter. Ulm a. D.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Germany. Ulm. Municipal Improved Dwellings: Municipal Housing: Germany: Old Ulm
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Germany. Ulm. Municipal Improved Dwellings: Municipal Housing: Germany: Houses built by the municipality
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: France. Montpellier. Société de Construction: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: France
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: France. Paris. Société Civile: Groupe des maisons ouvrières: Improved Housing: France: Model Dwellings Erected by the Société Civile. Groupe des maisons ouvrières, Paris.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: France. Paris. Société Civile: Groupe des maisons ouvrières: Improved Housing: France: Model Dwellings Erected by the Société Civile. Groupe des maisons ouvrières, Paris.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: France. Paris. Société Civile: Groupe des maisons ouvrières: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: France: Map showing location of the society's first model dwellings; Rue Jeanne d'Arc.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Public: United States. New York. Phoenix Mills. Owego County Almshouse: Almshouses of Otsego County, N.Y.: View from Administration Building
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Public: United States. New York. Poughkeepsie. County Almshouse: Almshouses of Poughkeepsie County, N.Y.: Main Buildings: Front
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Public: United States. New York. Poughkeepsie. County Almshouse: Almshouses of Poughkeepsie County, N.Y.: West Side View: Barns, Almshouse and Additions
Unidentified Artist