Housing, Improved: Germany. Augsburg: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: Germany: In the Fuggerei: Augsburg
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Germany. Hanover. "Heimstättenbaugenossenschaft": Improved Housing: Germany: 12 family house erected in 1909 by the Heimstättenbau-Genossenschaft in Hannover. A type of tenement architecture consistent with rural environment
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Germany. Hellerau. Garden Suburb: Garden Suburbs, Germany: Baugenossenschaft Hellerau.: Gartenstadt Hellerau
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Germany. Mulhouse: "Société Mulhousienne des cités ouvrières: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: Germany: Pioneer Model Dwellings: built by the Société Mulhousienne des Cités Ouvrières: Mulhausen on the Upper Rhine, Germany.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Great Britain, England. London. Rowton House: Improved Housing: London: Model Lodging Houses for single men, erected in London by Lord Rowton & co-subscribers 1892-1905, dividends of 4% are paid on the investment of £450,000 (1909): Rowton House Whitehall. Fieldgate Street. Near the London Hospital from the authorities of which the site was acquired. Opened Aug. 1892 and has 816 bedrooms.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Great Britain, England. London. Rowton House: Improved Housing: London: Rowton House, Camden Town, London: Smoking
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Great Britain, England. Manchester. Housing Conditions and Improvements: Social Conditions in Manchester, England, 1903: Model municipal tenements
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Great Britain, England. Manchester. Housing Conditions and Improvements: Social Conditions in Manchester, England, 1903: Cooperative printing company
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: France. Paris. Société Philanthropique: Women's Lodging Houses Maison Marjolin, Foundation Jacques Stern: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: France: Model Lodging House for Women - Paris.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: France. Paris. Société Philanthropique: Women's Lodging Houses Maison Marjolin, Foundation Jacques Stern: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: France: Model Lodging House for Women - Paris.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: France. St. Denis. Model tenements: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: France: Model Dwellings: St. Denis (near Paris).
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Germany. Hellerau. Garden Suburb: Garden Suburbs, Germany: Gartenstadt Hellerau.: Waldschänke Hellerau.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Germany. Munich. Improved Dwellings for Bavarian R.R. Employees: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: Germany: Model Dwellings for Bavarian Railway Employees: Munich.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Germany. Munich. Improved Dwellings for Bavarian R.R. Employees: Improved Workmen's Dwellings: Germany: Public school: Munich.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Germany. Munich-Perlach. Garden Suburb: Garden Suburbs, Germany: Garden Suburb at Perlach Near Munich.: Front and rear views of 3-story tenement house adapted to suburban conditions. 14 staircases lead each to 3 suites, one on each floor. At left in upper illustration is shown a duplex cottage. At right is shown a duplex house, containing 4 cottage flats. Garden allotments at rear of houses shown in lower illustration.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Germany. Ulm. Municipal Improved Dwellings: Municipal Housing: Germany: Early types of tenement houses constructed by the city of Ulm.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Germany. Ulm. Municipal Improved Dwellings: Municipal Housing: Germany: Early types of tenement houses constructed by the city of Ulm.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Great Britain, England. London. Carrington House: Municipal Housing: Great Britain: Lodging House for Men - Errected by the London County Council, Carrington House, Deptford, London: Dining Room
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Great Britain, England. London. Carrington House: Municipal Housing: Great Britain: Lodging House for Men - Errected by the London County Council, Carrington House, Deptford, London: Smoking Room
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Great Britain, England. London. Carrington House: Municipal Housing: Great Britain: Lodging House for Men - Errected by the London County Council, Carrington House, Deptford, London: Lavatory
Unidentified Artist