Doorway, Lucca, Italy, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Pulpit, Barga, Italy, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Doorway, Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Gisant Figure of Galileo, Santa Croce, Florence, Italy (recto and verso), 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
South Porch, Duomo, Verona, Italy, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Drunken Faun, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Bronze Horses, Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Corinthian Well Curb, Venice, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Byzantine Well Curb with Cat, Venice, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Capitolene Wolf with Romulus and Remus, after the antiquity, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Doorway in Venice with Open Doors, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Doorway in Venice with Closed Doors, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Griffin, Duomo, Verona, Italy, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Corner of San Marco, Venice, Italy, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Barbarigo Escutcheon of Angels with Shield, after Pietro Lombardo, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Bridge, Red Roofs and Old Tower, Pisa, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Capital from San Sebastiano, Ravenna, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Capital from San Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Doorway, Byzantine Palace, Piazza Mater Domini, Venice, Italy, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith
Detail of Gothic Palace with Parrot Cage, Venice, 1863 - 1950
Joseph Lindon Smith