Bernhard Weichselgartner, 36, Traffic Coordinator, Inspector, Rhenish Railway Company, Düsseldorf, born 1941
Timm Rautert
Jürgen Lobert, 30, and Marlene Lobert, 31, Champion Marksman and Queen, born 1941
Timm Rautert
Kurt Bischoff, 29, First Sergeant, born 1941
Timm Rautert
Herr Willi Schäfer, 37, Fire Marshal, Professional Fire Department, Düsseldorf, born 1941
Timm Rautert
Arnold Rüther, 22, Police Sergeant in Patrol Area 1, Police Motorcycle SBI-FK, Düsseldorf, born 1941
Timm Rautert
Essing Family (Hermann Essing, 35, Rover Scout Leader / Bruna Essing, 32, Rover Scout Leader / Frank Essing, 6, Cub Scout / Tanja Essing, 4, Brownie), born 1941
Timm Rautert
Konrad Benden, 61, Drum Major in the City Drum Corps, St. Maximilian 04, Düsseldorf
, born 1941
Timm Rautert
Liane Schneider, 33, Ground-Hostess, Deutsche Lufthansa, Cologne, born 1941
Timm Rautert
Bruno Kruse, 64, Valet, Four Seasons Hotel, Hamburg, born 1941
Timm Rautert
Casserole (Onion), born 1951
Arlene Shechet
Mystical Shore, 1863 - 1944
Edvard Munch
Wakai seidai (Young generation), 1891 - 1955
Onchi Kōshirō
The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist and Saint Elizabeth, 1594 - 1665
Nicolas Poussin
The Fox's Fear (painting, recto; text, verso), folio 314 from a manuscript of the Divan (Collection of Works) of Anvari
Attributed to Miskin
Folio 313 (text, recto and verso), from a manuscript of the Divan (Collection of Works) of Anvari
Artist's Possessions/The White Shell (Shiragai), from the series Shell-Matching Game with Genroku Poets (Genroku kasen kai-awase), 1760 - 1849
Katsushika Hokusai 葛飾北斎
Majnun, drawing by an unknown artist, surrounded by didactic verses (recto); Couplets Describing the Beloved in Terms of the Sun and the Moon, calligraphy by Mir 'Ali (verso), folio from an album
Calligraphy by (Signed by) Mir `Ali
View from the Handeck Chalet, 1821 - 1893
Paul Girardet
Untitled (sketch of "lion" by artist's daughter on sheet of legal paper, left page); Untitled (bleed-through, right page), 1928 - 2014