Inserted flower, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted leaf, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted leaf, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted card, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted card, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted sheet, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted leaf, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted leaf, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted leaf, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted dried plant material, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted photocopy of "Daily in Cozumel", 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted photocopy of view of NYC skyline on red paper, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted photocopy of view of NYC skyline on red paper, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted photocopy of view of NYC skyline, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted photocopy of view of NYC skyline, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted photocopy of view of NYC skyline, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted sheet, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted paper towel, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted paper towel, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Inserted sheet with notes and calculations, 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene