Stylized Fan-Shaped Pendant (Keman) with Decoration of Birds and Flowers, from a set housed at the temple Jōgon-in, Shiga Prefecture
Standing Arya-Avalokiteshvara (Shō Kannon bosatsu) on a Lotus Base, one from a set of 1,000 images formerly in Kōfuku-ji, Nara
Virūdhaka (Zōchōten), Guardian King of the South, one of the Devarājas (Shitennō), or Four Heavenly Guardian Kings
Head of a Bodhisattva, d. 1057
Attributed to Jōchō
Architectural frame, with an emblematic circular bas-relief, representing two half-length figures of winged genii holding an apple between them (Medium tenuere beati.) (Fol. h vii verso)
Anonymous Italy (Venice) 1499
Woman Playing a Zither (drawing, recto) after a European source; calligraphy (verso) by an unknown artist
Attributed to Govardhan
Coronation with Allegorical Figures, 1600 - 1638
Traditionally attributed to Jacques Blanchard
Sketchbook ("Carrara"): Sketches of Quarry Workers, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Wall Painting Fragment
Circular Church, 1697 - 1768
Giovanni Antonio Canal, called Canaletto
Untitled (pasted Kultur-Festwochen in Belgien pamphlet, pasted reproduction of Europalia model from pamphlet, and notes, left page); Untitled (pasted architectural plan with annotations and pasted reproduction of Europalia model from pamphlet, right page), 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Carpet, Kirman
Faridun Attacking Zahhak (text, recto; painting, verso), illustrated folio from a Turkish translation of the Shahnama of Firdawsi
Album of Kano School Paintings (Kanoha gashū): Landscape, Figure, Architecture and Animal Subjects, by Yasunobu (1613-1685), Dōun (1625-1694), Tsunenobu (1636-1713), Tanshin (1653-1718) and Tansetsu (1654-1713)
Court Scene (Seigneuriale tapestry)
Unidentified Artist
Sketchbook ("1912 ?"): Sketches for "Hell" and "Judgment" Lunettes, Boston Public Library, 1856 - 1925