Architectural Details of the Temples of Concord and Juno at Agrigento and the Temple of Minerva at Syracuse, 1792 - 1847
Friedrich Gaertner
Sheet 100: From an architectural drawing (plinth of columns for the peristyle of the dome), active 1850s - 1870s
John Wood
Sheet 24: From an architectural drawing (plan of the ceiling of the Senate Chamber), active 1850s - 1870s
John Wood
Sheet 25: From an architectural drawing (longitudinal section, north wing), active 1850s - 1870s
John Wood
Sheet 26: From an architectural drawing (longituinal section, south wing), active 1850s - 1870s
John Wood
Sheet 29: From an architectural drawing (designs for the desks in the Halls of Congress), active 1850s - 1870s
John Wood
Sheet 30: From an architectural drawing (designs for the chairs in the Halls of Congress), active 1850s - 1870s
John Wood
The See-Saw, 1733 - 1808
Hubert Robert
Fragment of a Decorative Relief
The Baron's Prayer, 1872 - 1898
Aubrey Vincent Beardsley
Head of a Bearded God
Tray, born 1715
Samuel Margas
Boston from "Materials Lab", born 1962
Fernanda Fragateiro
"The Beautiful Virgin of Regensburg" with the Child on a Throne, Surrounded by Angels with Musical Instruments, c. 1480 - 1538
Albrecht Altdorfer
Spencer Album 8: Work of Tempesta, Volume 1, 1555 - 1630
Antonio Tempesta
View into the Courtyard of a Palace with a Rivergod in the Center of a Rectangular Pond (N.H.), 1528/32 - 1605
Joannes van Doetecum
Hall on Vaulted Basement Standing in Water, on the Right Street Facade, 1528/32 - 1605
Joannes van Doetecum
View of a Street with Houses on Both Sides, in the Left Foreground a Palace, active 1554 - 1579/89
Lucas van Doetecum