Untitled (group of people seated by bandbox on seaside promenade in unidentified locale)
Unidentified Artist
No. 34 Island of St. George (Venice)
Unidentified Artist
No. 151, Priest's Court, Venice
Unidentified Artist
Interior of the Temple of Jupiter, Baalbek, 1831 - 1885
Félix Bonfils
Detached front cover of the Kōrin gafu (Kōrin Picture Album), d. 1819
Nakamura Hōchū 中村芳中
Three Cranes, from the Kōrin gafu (Kōrin Picture Album), d. 1819
Nakamura Hōchū 中村芳中
Three Turtles, from the Kōrin gafu (Kōrin Picture Album), d. 1819
Nakamura Hōchū 中村芳中
Dandelions and Flowers, from the Kōrin gafu (Kōrin Picture Album), d. 1819
Nakamura Hōchū 中村芳中
Three Puppies, from the Kōrin gafu (Kōrin Picture Album), d. 1819
Nakamura Hōchū 中村芳中
Three Rats, from the Kōrin gafu (Kōrin Picture Album), d. 1819
Nakamura Hōchū 中村芳中
Mount Fuji, from the Kōrin gafu (Kōrin Picture Album), d. 1819
Nakamura Hōchū 中村芳中
Jo and Uba, from the Kōrin gafu (Kōrin Picture Album), d. 1819
Nakamura Hōchū 中村芳中
Four Deer, from the Kōrin gafu (Kōrin Picture Album), d. 1819
Nakamura Hōchū 中村芳中
Doves and Sparrows, from the Kōrin gafu (Kōrin Picture Album), d. 1819
Nakamura Hōchū 中村芳中
Plovers and Waves, from the Kōrin gafu (Kōrin Picture Album), d. 1819
Nakamura Hōchū 中村芳中
Lucky Gods, from the Kōrin gafu (Kōrin Picture Album), d. 1819
Nakamura Hōchū 中村芳中
Medici Chapel, after Michelangelo; verso: Egyptian Heads; Miscellaneous Sketches, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Crescenzo Fusciardi, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
You Make a Mistake if You Marry Again (Lo yerras, si te bue[l]bes á casar), 1746 - 1828
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes
Untitled (watercolor drawing, loose in album, once glued over an albumen silver print of Lady Mary Filmer (P1982.359.7B) mounted to page with metallic paint decoration with inscription), 1838-1903