Government, City: France. Paris. Municipal Fire Protection: Municipal Fire-Protection, Paris, France: Firemen in active service: Echelle de Sauvetage développée à 20 mètres de hauteur
Unidentified Artist
Hand Cymbal with Bull Finial
Portrait of a Man Writing, 1851 - 1934
Claude Emile Schuffenecker
The Holy Family with Saint John and an Angel, c. 1505 - c. 1570
Girolamo Mazzola Bedoli
Two Human Beings (The Lonely Ones), 1863 - 1944
Edvard Munch
The Sick Child I, 1863 - 1944
Edvard Munch
View of the Mythen from Muota Valley, Switzerland, 1653 - 1713
Felix Meyer
Mandala of Mount Kōya (Kōyasan mandara)
An Orchestra in a Very Proper Household, where They have the Idea of Performing an Operetta, 1808-1879
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Dr. Thomas Dagoumer (1762-1833/1835), 1758 - 1823
Pierre-Paul Prud'hon
View of Mount Soracte from Civita Castellana, 1796 - 1875
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
"Aluminum City" Housing, New Kensington, Pennsylvania, 1941-1942: Community and administration building: schedule, details, grading, and landscape plan (1" =20'-0", 3/8" , 1 1/2" and 3" = 1'-0"), 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Madonna and Child with a Kneeling Angel; verso: Madonna and Child, 1472 - 1517
Fra Bartolommeo della Porta
The Baptism of the Infant Christ; Another View of Christ's Baptism; Taking Christ down off the Cross; An Angel Visiting the Sinners, 1592 - 1635
Jacques Callot
Street with Pines, Fontvieille, 1860 - 1950
Dodge Macknight
Lamp Handle with Panther's Head
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), in business 1769-1780
Wedgwood & Bentley
Landscape, 1824 - 1879
William Morris Hunt
Study, Reduced to One-Quarter Size, of the Angel in Veronese's Annunciation, in the Uffizi Gallery at Florence, 1840 - 1930