Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Spain. Tarrassa. La Protectora Civil: Coöperative Societies, Spain: La Protectora Civil, Tarrasa. This Society maintains both day and evening classes for children and adults, free to members. Full members are entitled to receive benefits in the shape of out-of-work, sick pay, and death pay assistance. Of the profits 20% is annually set aside to form a collective capital fund; 20% is devoted to charity; 20% to educational and propagandist work; and the remaining 40% is divided among members in proportion to their purchases.
Unidentified Artist
Ganymede Feeding the Eagle, founded 1759
Manufactured by Wedgwood
Cathedral, Granada, Spain, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Backing board for Early Operation Using Ether, active 1843-1863
Southworth & Hawes
Charlie Parker, 1853 - 1935
Denman Waldo Ross
Illustrated Liturgical Manuscript of Pali Chants Written in Khom Yo Script, with Illustrations of the Ten Jatakas and Vessantara Jataka