Destroyed Vehicle with Active Eagle’s Nest, Bravo 20 Bombing Range, Nevada, born 1949
Richard Misrach
Stater of the Koinon of Thessaly
Koinon of Thessaly
Didrachm of Archelaos I of Macedonia, r. 413-399 BCE
Archelaos I
Diobol of Archelaos I of Macedonia, r. 413-399 BCE
Archelaos I
Stater of Lokroi Epizephyrioi
Untitled (Artist Union demonstration, College Art Association offices, 137 E 57th Street, New York City, against work regulations and layoffs at the Lenox Hill Settlement House artist teaching work-relief Project 259), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Untitled (Artist Union demonstration, College Art Association offices, 137 E 57th Street, New York City, against work regulations and layoffs at the Lenox Hill Settlement House artist teaching work-relief Project 259), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Untitled (Artist Union demonstration, College Art Association offices, 137 E 57th Street, New York City, against work regulations and layoffs at the Lenox Hill Settlement House artist teaching work-relief Project 259), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Untitled (Artist Union demonstration, College Art Association offices, 137 E 57th Street, New York City, against work regulations and layoffs at the Lenox Hill Settlement House artist teaching work-relief Project 259), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Untitled (Artist Union demonstration, College Art Association offices, 137 E 57th Street, New York City, against work regulations and layoffs at the Lenox Hill Settlement House artist teaching work-relief Project 259), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Untitled (Artist Union demonstration, College Art Association offices, 137 E 57th Street, New York City, against work regulations and layoffs at the Lenox Hill Settlement House artist teaching work-relief Project 259), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Untitled (Artist Union demonstration, College Art Association offices, 137 E 57th Street, New York City, against work regulations and layoffs at the Lenox Hill Settlement House artist teaching work-relief Project 259), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Untitled (Artist Union demonstration, College Art Association offices, 137 E 57th Street, New York City, against work regulations and layoffs at the Lenox Hill Settlement House artist teaching work-relief Project 259), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Untitled (Artist Union demonstration, College Art Association offices, 137 E 57th Street, New York City, against work regulations and layoffs at the Lenox Hill Settlement House artist teaching work-relief Project 259), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Untitled (Artist Union demonstration, College Art Association offices, 137 E 57th Street, New York City, against work regulations and layoffs at the Lenox Hill Settlement House artist teaching work-relief Project 259), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Untitled (Artist Union demonstration, College Art Association offices, 137 E 57th Street, New York City, against work regulations and layoffs at the Lenox Hill Settlement House artist teaching work-relief Project 259), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Untitled (Artist Union demonstration, College Art Association offices, 137 E 57th Street, New York City, against work regulations and layoffs at the Lenox Hill Settlement House artist teaching work-relief Project 259), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Untitled (Artist Union demonstration, College Art Association offices, 137 E 57th Street, New York City, against work regulations and layoffs at the Lenox Hill Settlement House artist teaching work-relief Project 259), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Untitled (Artist Union demonstration, College Art Association offices, 137 E 57th Street, New York City, against work regulations and layoffs at the Lenox Hill Settlement House artist teaching work-relief Project 259), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Untitled (Artist Union demonstration, College Art Association offices, 137 E 57th Street, New York City, against work regulations and layoffs at the Lenox Hill Settlement House artist teaching work-relief Project 259), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn