Housing, Industrial: United States. Pennsylvania. Leckrone. H. C. Frick Coke Company: Industrial Housing. Semi-Detached Dwellings. Frame Construction: The H. C. Frick Coke Company. Subsidiary of the United States Steel Corporation: H. C. Frick Coke Co. Subs'd'ry of U.S. Steel Corp'n. View of Main St. - Shoaf. Sept. 7-11.

Housing, Industrial: United States. Pennsylvania. Leckrone. H. C. Frick Coke Company: Industrial Housing. Semi-Detached Dwellings. Frame Construction: The H. C. Frick Coke Company. Subsidiary of the United States Steel Corporation: H. C. Frick Coke Co. Subs'd'ry of U.S. Steel Corp'n. View of Main St. - Shoaf. Sept. 7-11.

Unidentified Artist
