X-radiograph(s) of "Christ on the Cross between the Virgin and Cardinal Torquemada and St. John the Evangelist"
c. 1400 - 1455
Artist of original: Fra Angelico
X-Radiograph Description: X-radiographs (5)
X-Radiograph Settings: 40 KV, 5 mA, 90 seconds, 60" from tube; Lorad, Kodak
Burroughs Number: 4797
X-Radiograph(s) of:
Artist: Fra Angelico, Italian, 1400-1455
Title: Christ on the Cross between the Virgin and Cardinal Torquemada and St. John the Evangelist
Date: 1446
Description: Poplar panel with engaged frame
Owner: Harvard University Art Museums
Object Number: 1921.34