Large Globular Jar with Decoration of Auspicious Emblems and Chinese Characters Reading "Pok Su Kang Nyŏng" (Happiness, Longevity, Health, and Peace)
Rising from a short, circular foot, the body of this jar expands into a pleasantly spherical form and then constricts to a relatively tall, cylindrical neck. Four Chinese characters, which when pronounced in Korean read Pok (happiness), Su (longevity), Kang (health), and Nyŏng (peace), are set within circular medallions; auspicious emblems embellish the spaces between the medallions. Double-bowstring borderlines encircle the lip and foot, subtly demarcating the vessel's boundaries. The proportionally tall neck on this jar indicates that it was created in the nineteenth century.
Blue-and-white ware: porcelain with decoration painted in underglaze cobalt blue
Chosŏn dynasty, 1392-1910